Taganaga from the hill

Bury Me in The Sands of Taganga

After a rather bleak time psychologically in Bogota and the the high intensity and wonderful month of backpacking with[…]

Leticia to Manaus by boat - Hardly Heart of Darkness

Leticia to Manaus by boat – Hardly Heart of Darkness

A long, four day trip down the Amazon River from Tabatinga in Colombia to Manaus in Brazil. Truly beautiful.

Me on a throne in Utila


A retrospective in the last year of travel.

El Salvador to Nicaragua boat

Travelling From El Salvador to Nicaragua by Boat (With Details)

When I took a look at the journey James and I had to make from El Salvador to Nicaragua[…]

Utila Locals

What Lies Beneath

After taking a few days to enjoy the island, it was finally time to start actually learning how to[…]


Canned Air

And so, with the disembarkation of the boat, we set off on the first proper leg of our journey[…]

Leo James Honduras

San Pedro Sewer

San Pedro Sula has nothing going for it. Literally nothing. You would expect a city that is so incredibly[…]


Crossing Into Honduras

It was the right time to leave Caye Caulker, but I would miss it nonetheless. I hope that wherever[…]

Caye Caulker

Enough Rum Punch And I’d Fight A Shark

I live slow already, and the effect Caye Caulker had made me almost glacial. The people I had arrived[…]


Go Slow

The bus to Caye Caulker was entirely by public transport rather than the much more expensive but very simple[…]